Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Frustration & The Art of Migration

Frustrated. Grrr.

Is there an art to migration of an AOL journal to a Google-blogspot-blogger blog?

'Cause I have tried all the tricks and nothing. Nada. Zip.

The process starts and sometimes stalls while reading posts. But if it gets to the very first entry in the journal, I am prompted to name it, check the address I want and a template. I may have the order of the process incorrect -- you'd think after nine times I'd have it down.

Following those steps closely I am gently surprised to find an additional blog listed on my dashboard and a link to finish the process of transferring the posts. I click there, I am prompted to publish the posts and I do.

Voila! Nothing. Nothing but the template with my profile. :::sigh:::

As I write this, try number ten is in process. We'll see where it goes. I've even had some help from a friend or two and from AOL and the blogger help pages. Lisa I know you didn't mean to break your promise ...

I claim I work better under pressure. That has always been the case, but I'm beginning to realize I'm aging out of working under pressure. You know?


Lisa :-] said...


If you get to the page where posts should be listed (the "Edit posts" page) there should be a list along the top just above where the posts should be listed. It should say: "Your Posts: All, Drafts, Scheduled, Imported, Published" Click on "Imported" and you should be able to see all your posts listed on the page. Then, somewhere on that page, there should be something to click to "publish posts." I ended up in that little hell when I migrated Women On, because the import process did seem to stall about four-fifths if the way through. But I kept clicking on buttons until I got it to work...

If you still can't figure it out, try adding me (or someone else who has the process figured out) as a writer to one of your "incomplete" imports, give me administrative priveleges (and you can take them back as soon as I see if I can help you) and maybe we can make it work that way.

ADB said...

AOL Journals Team are manually transferring awkward journals (like yours) tomorrow, Wed 29 October. Please drop me a line at the usual if you want to be included.


Lori @ Purple Snapdragons said...

I started trying to figure out & gave up. All too complicated for me.

Debra said...

oh, kathy, sigh. i'm sorry to hear that you aren't making the smooth transition. perhaps guido can assist and make it all better. i think i may lose my original journal, but i've sent him eMail, asking for help cuz I'd really rather not see it all phizzle away into the vaccuumed abyss. crossing fingers for ya, debra

D said...

Grrrrr I know that feeling trust me! I see Guido says they will do it starting tomorrow.. Vish from Magic Smoke AOL said today.. I've seen nor heard nothing... they are cutting it really close

Astaryth said...

I check for new entries in all of my blogs I follow in BLoglines and had just read on (the new) Magic Smoke that the AOL Journals team was moving all of the journals that were having problems tomorrow. Then I saw your entry and popped over to tell you, but I saw that Guido had already been here.... I hope that they can get you all taken care of cause it is annoying when things don't work.